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Unicorn Greenhouse

Adansonii Aurea 4-6"

Adansonii Aurea 4-6"

Regular price $249.00
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Adansonii aurea, also known as Golden Pothos or Devil's Ivy, is a popular cultivar of the Epipremnum aureum plant. It is highly regarded for its vibrant and striking golden-yellow variegation on its leaves. The name "aurea" refers to the Latin word for "golden," which aptly describes the distinctive coloring of this plant.

Adansonii aurea features heart-shaped leaves with a glossy texture. The leaves have a marbled appearance, with patches or streaks of bright golden-yellow contrasting against the darker green areas. The variegation pattern can vary from plant to plant, with some displaying more yellow than others. The striking coloration adds a touch of warmth and visual interest to any indoor space.

Caring for Adansonii aurea is relatively straightforward, as it shares similar care requirements with its parent plant, Epipremnum aureum. It is an adaptable and low-maintenance plant that thrives in a wide range of indoor conditions. It can tolerate moderate to low light levels, but it thrives best in bright, indirect light. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, as it can lead to leaf burn.

Watering should be done moderately, allowing the top inch or so of the soil to dry out before watering again. It is important not to overwater the plant, as it is more susceptible to root rot. Adansonii aurea appreciates high humidity levels, so regular misting or placing the plant near a humidifier can be beneficial, especially in drier environments.

One of the advantages of Adansonii aurea is its ability to trail and climb, making it a versatile plant for various displays. It can be grown in hanging baskets, trained on a trellis or moss pole, or allowed to cascade from shelves or bookcases. Regular pruning can help maintain its compact shape and encourage bushier growth.

Adansonii aurea is known for its air-purifying qualities, as it helps remove toxins from the air, making it a great choice for indoor environments.

Overall, Adansonii aurea is a visually captivating plant that adds a touch of brightness and cheerfulness to any space. Its ease of care and attractive foliage make it a popular choice among plant enthusiasts and beginners alike.

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